
Enjoy my newest collection of earrings! These little babies are completely self-made and self-coloured, made of different materials such as feathers (of course), horn, bones, hemp. Certainly not too hippie-dippie, but definitely special.
If you are interested in purchasing one of these, drop me an e-mail. If you enjoy my work but would like something specifically designed for you, drop me an e-mail!



Ca. 23cm long, Ø ca. 7,5cm. Tinted in blue and green and adorned with a white/light grey feather and little turquoises.
Nerida is an Australian Aboriginal name and probably means “water lily”. A suitable name for this aqueous look, a combination of the elements water and air. For sale.


Ca. 21cm long, Ø ca. 4cm. The hemp is tinted in a bright but natural looking red and the polyester web is of a dark indian yellow. Adorned with two-coloured feathers and a dark green horn bead, the Mapuche name Antinanco, eagle of the sun, fits this creation well. For sale.


Ca. 22,5cm long, Ø ca. 6cm. Coloured in red and blue for a grungy reddish-brownish violet. The ombre effect of the web therefore is multi-coloured, one crow and one dove feather and a blue coloured bone/horn bead add to the magic. For this dark look I chose the Croatian/Serbian name Senka, which means shadow. For sale.


Ca. 30cm long, Ø ca. 6,5cm. Six bone beads and three dove feathers make this dream catcher also an exciting eye catcher. Softly tinted in blue, green, violet and red, this abundant creation has a truly enchanting and universal look, which is why I gave it the Turkish name Evren, the cosmos. Not for sale.

More to come soon!

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